[Mp4-tech] [H.264 AVC] changes between JM 12_4 and JM_13

Gary Sullivan garysull windows.microsoft.com
Wed Dec 19 08:43:54 EST 2007

Ms Bacquet et al,
Perhaps it has something to do with EEM quantization (JVT-N011)?  Copying some knowledgeable people...
Best Regards,
Gary Sullivan
From: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org [mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] On Behalf Of Anne Sophie Bacquet
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2023 2:42 AM
To: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
Subject: [Mp4-tech] [H.264 AVC] changes between JM 12_4 and JM_13
Dear experts,
I'm a french student currently working on H.264 AVC .
I generated a 1 picture-stream with JM 12_4 then with JM_13 with the same parameters, but i found different PSNRY (33.5 and 33.8).
You can find enclosed the two config files (1 frame, No other Intra prediction mode than DC,QP 30...).
Can everyone tell which change between the two version may cause this difference?
I thank you in advance.
Best Regards
Anne Sophie Bacquet
UVHC Valencinnes
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