[Mp4-tech] Reg Interlaced and progressive video sequence

Dakshinamurthy Krishnan Dakshinamurthy.Krishnan lntinfotech.com
Fri Sep 7 18:54:45 EDT 2007

Dear Experts,
>From the High definition Forum, i got seperate  YUV sequence for 
Interlaced and Progressive.
But from JM download , I am able to encode same sequence in both 
Frame/Field modes. Why there should be  seperate sequence,
>From progressive alternate lines can be extracted for interlaced.

Please say some links for YUV sequence for HD(Main profile 4) other than 
this link
Tnx in advance,
Regards ,
   Dakshinamurthy .K
     L&T Infotech , Manapakkam ,
       Chennai -600089
Extn: 7066
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