MPEGIF Qualified Products Directory
Qualified Logo
The MP4 Qualification mark indicates products that have completed the Logo Qualification conformance and/or Premium conformance Tiers as outlined by MPEGIF.

Manufacturer Registration

To begin submission of a product for qualification, please fill out and submit the following form. You can gain an overview of the qualification proceedure here.

Public Information
Company Name
Company Name to be shown in product listing
Company URL
URL to be shown in product listing - please begin with "http://"
Private Information
(Visible to Qualification Program Participants Only)
Entity Name
Official Legal Name of your company
Representative's Name
Name of your company's official representative for Qualification Program
Representative's Address
The mailing address of your company's official representative for Qualification Program
Representative's Phone
Please include your country code (USA, Canada = 1)
Representative's Email
Login Information
Your user name for this site
(You may use the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _)
Your password. This must be at least 8 characters
(You may use the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _)

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