[Mp4-tech] Re: MP3-joint stereo

Ralph Sperschneider ralph.sperschneider iis.fraunhofer.de
Mon Dec 17 22:41:26 EST 2007

mallikarjun rao wrote:
> Hi ,
> Can any body helpme in the following .
> 1. In one Mp3 file, both stereo and joint stereo modes, are possible 
> or not?
> i.e. some frames encoded as stereo and some frames as joint stereo.
> 2. is it same for both MPEG-1, MPEG-2 layerIII?
> Thanks
> Mallikarjun

All stereo modi (dual mono, stereo, joint stereo) are permitted in an 
mp3 file (independent whether it is MPEG-1 or MPEG-2). In joint stereo 
mode, you may then also toggle the mode_extension to enable/disable 
intensity stereo and ms stereo.
Best regards,
Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Sperschneider  | Phone: +49 9131 776 344
Fraunhofer IIS                  | Fax:   +49 9131 776 398
Am Wolfsmantel 33               | mailto:ralph.sperschneider iis.fraunhofer.de
D 91058 Erlangen                | http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm/

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