MPEGIF Qualified Products Directory
Qualified Logo
The MP4 Qualification mark indicates products that have completed the Logo Qualification conformance and/or Premium conformance Tiers as outlined by MPEGIF.

MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program

Ensuring Interoperability of MPEG Products and Technology

personal computer television set game system mobile phone CE device (dvd player) digital radio mpeg-4 logo

The MPEG Industry Forum operates its Logo Qualification Program to help guide interoperability among products and technology. This program is based on a self-qualification process and is open to all companies using MPEG technology, not just members of MPEGIF, although membership is encouraged. Companies who complete the Declaration of Conformance and sign the License Trademark Agreement will have their product qualified as a Conformance Tier product. Companies who wish to test their receiver or encoder products against standardized test streams provided by MPEGIF and can confirm they work under specific MPEG profiles and levels will have their product qualified as a Premium Conformance Tier product

All qualified products have the right to display an MP4 Qualification Mark and may list test results of qualification in their documentation, literature, and advertising. Potential users can search for qualified products or confirm a product status by browsing the Product Directory or searching for it using the Product Search page.

Manufacturers can join the Qualification Program for free, by following this link, or may learn about the program in the Qualification Procedures or Qualification Flowchart

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