Past MPEGIF Master Class Programs:

NAB 2003
IBC 2003
IBC 2004
NAB 2005
IBC 2005
NAB 2006
IBC 2006
NAB 2007
IBC 2007
NAB 2008
IBC 2008
NAB 2009
IBC 2009
CES 2010

Past MPEGIF Master Class Speakers (2003 - Present)


Gian Paolo Balboni, Head, Innovation Trends, Telecom Italia

Giampaolo Bandini - FW Labs MIT Planning Manager, Fastweb

Hanno Basse, Viceppresident of Broadcast Systems Engineering for DIRECTV, Inc.,

Kevin Baughan, Director of Technical Strategy, Virgin Media

Andy Bechtolsheim, SVP and Chief Architect Network Systems Group, Sun Microsystems Inc.

Ross Biggam, Director General, Association of Commercial Telvision in Europe

Robert Bleidt, StreamCrest

Nicolas BRY, Head of Product & Services, T-ONLINE France

E. Tab Butler, Director of Broadcast, SeaChange International Inc

Leonardo Chiariglione, Telecom Italia, Convener ISO/IEC MPEG

Robert B. Clasen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Starz, LLC

David Cole, CEO, IPTV

Stuart Collingwood, Vice President EMEA, Sling Media

William Cooper, Chief Executive, Informitv

Pierre Costa, Lead Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Laboratories

Dr Glenn Craib, CTO NXVision

Robert X. Cringley

Eric Dewannain, World Wide Director of Business Development, Broadband Communications Group, Texas Instrument

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Diepold, Munich Technical University

Thomas Dove, CEO & Founder, Vqual

Julie Dutrisac, Chief, Innovations and Development, National Film Board of Canada

Gabriele Elia, Telecom Italia

Dieter Engel, Senior Vice President, Product Development Media Services, Deutsche Telekom AG, Products & Innovation

Thierry Fautier, Director of Convergence Solutions, Harmonic Inc

Boris Felts, Director of Product Development at Envivio

Justin Fielder, Research Development and Customer Technology Director, BSkyB

Yuval Fisher, CTO, RGB Networks

Jon Folland, Nativ

Marco Frazier, ESPN Classic Europe

David Frerichs, VP and GM US Operations, Coding Technologies

Harold Fuchs, Senior Engineer, Fraunhofer IIS

Dr. Marco Fumagalli, Leader, Video System engineering Group, Fastweb

Gerassim S. Gadiyan

Mr. Alvaro T. Gazzolo - President and CEO, IPTV Americas

Stefan Geyersberger, Director of Business Develpment, Fraunhofer IIS

Bob Giddy, Chief Executive Officer, Amino

David Gillies, Director of Technology, Pace Micro Technology

Professor Kontsantin Glassman, Head of Video Systems Department at St. Petersburg Stat University of Film and Television

Kamil A. Grajski, Ph.D. - President, FLO Forum / Vice President, Engineering, QUALCOMM

Peter H. Guglielmino � CTO Media & Entertainment Group, IBM

Manuel Gutierrez, Chief Executive Officer and PResident, TDVision Systems

Peter Gutman, Video Networks

Dr. Randy Hank, Chief of Staff for Video Planning at AT&T Services

Kit Harvey, European Business Development Manager, Playboy TV UK

Casey Harwood, Senior Vice President Turner Europe, Turner Broadcasting

christine Heckart, General Manager of Marketing and Business Development, TV, Video & Music Business, Microsoft Corp.

Nick Hopkins � Head of Advanced Technologies, Virgin Media

Charlie Horrell, CEO, Packet Vision

Yun Chao Hu, Open IPTV Forum Steering Group Chairman, Open IPTV Forum, Antipolis, Cedex, France

Matthew Huntington, Vice President of Product Marketing, OpenTV Corp.

Lalurent Jabiol, Co-Founder, Neotion

Helen Jay, Via Licensing

Kay Johansson � Chief Technology Officer

Rob Koenen, President, M4IF, VP InterTrust Technologies Corp.

Oleg Kolesnikov, Techincal Director of Broadcasting, NTV-Plus

Sebastian Kramer, CEO Quative Limited (Kudelski Group Company)

Mark Krivocheev, Chief Scientist, State Radio Research & Development Insitute (NIIR) Moscow

Kaliu Kukk, Deputy General Director, Join-Stock Company "Telecom" Moscow

Jim Kutzner � Chief Engineer, Public Broadcasting Service

Didier LeGall, Vice President of Home Media Products, LSI Logic

Christophe Lenaerts, Founder & CEO, Telemak

Helmut Leopold, Director of Platform and Technology, Telekom Austria
(2008) Forum

William G. Leuhrs, Corporate Executive Vice President & President, ADB

Rhys Lewis, BBC

Bob Luff, EVP & Chief Engineering Officers, Nielsen

Dr. Ajay Luthra, Senior Director, Motorola

Roger Lynch, Chairman and CEO of Video Networks Ltd

Gudjon Mar Gudjonsson, Chief Executive Officer, Industria

Andy Mathieson, Director, Latens

Rich Mavrogeanes, Founder, VBrick

Sean McCarthy, Board Member, MPEGIF / Chief Scientist, Modulus Video

Jeff McSchooler, VP of Engineering, EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation

Andre Mendes, Chief Technology Integration Officer, Public Broadcasting Service

Satish Menon, Chief Architect, Yahoo Media Group

Richard Mizer, SMPTE (2003)

Myra Moore, President and Chief Analyst, Digital Tech Consulting Inc.

Sebastian Moeritz, President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas

John Moulding, Editor, Chable 7 Satellite International

Mats Nilsson � Portfolio Manager, EricssonJoined Ericsson 1987 as Systems Engineer and Project Manager

John Setel O'Donnell, CTO, Equator Technologies

Shelly Palmer � Managing Director, Advanced Media Ventures Group & Host of MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer

Silvio Perich, Senior Vice President, Sales, Sigma Designs

Marty Picco, Vice President, Systems & Technology, Harmonic Inc.

Harald Popp, Department Head for multimedia realtime systems, Fraunhoffer

David Price Vice President, MPEGIF / Vice President, Harmonic Inc.

Dr. Yury I.Pripachkin

Tassilo Raesig - Head of Production and Operations, Sony

Jens Rieken - Executive Director Product Development, Core Media

Tom Rosenstein, Vice President of Business Development, SeaChange

Toby Russell, Chief Executive Officer, 3vision

Sven Reuter � Representative for Standards, LG Technology Center Europe

Tim Schaff, VP, Engineering Interactive Media Group , Apple

Robert (Rob) Schumann, General Manager, Cinea, Inc (a Dolby Company)

Gary Schultz, President/Principal Analyst, MultiMedia Research Group

Tiaan Schutte, General Manager, Software Service Platform, Networks & Integration Solutions Business Unit, Thomson

Benjamin Schwarz, VP Business Development, Orange Labs

Mark Selby, Vice President Multimedia, Nokia

Mike Short, O2

Robert P. Seidel, Vice President, CBS

Julien Signes, President, CTO, Founder, Envivio

Rick Sizemore, Chief Strategy & Development Officer, MultiMedia Intelligence, Scottsdale, AZ

Dean Skandalis, Director, Licensing for MPEG LA (2003)

Clyde D. Smith, Senior Vice President of Global Broadcast Technology and Standards for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

John Smith, Manager, Pervasive Media Management Group IBM

Roderick Snell - Founder and Research Director, Snell & Wilcox Ltd

JC Spierer, DistanceVision, Inc.

Thomas Staneker, Executive Vice President, Web-on-TV T-Com Innovations, Deutsche Telekom

David Strehlow, Director of Marketing, Media Solutions, Huawei

Prof. Dr. Robert Strzebkowski, Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Department Computer Science and Media

Gary Sullivan, chairman of the Joint Video Team (JVT),Microsoft Corporation

Joanne Tracy, Publisher, Focal Press

David Trescot � Vice President Rhozet Business Unit, Harmonic Inc

Alexander Umbitaliev, Direct, Television Research Institute, St. Petersburg

Oleg A. Urushev - General Director TV&Radio company �Ugra� (Khanti-Mansiisk)

Ivan Verbesselt is Senior Vice President and head of Marketing, Nagravision

Charles Van Dusen, CTO, Tut Systems

Alty van Luijt, Philips

Andrew Wajs, CTO, Irdeto

Ian Walker - Vice President, New Business Development, Advanced Digital Broadcast

Jeffrey G. Weber, Vice President, Product & Strategy, AT&T Operations, Inc.

James Wendorf, VP, Senior Manage Technology & Standards, Philips Electronics

Bob Wilson, General Manager, Networked Video Solutions Group,Broadband Home Solutions, Motorola Home and Networks Mobility

Paul Whitehead, Executive Director, Video Planning, AT&T

Robin Wilson, Vice President, Business Development, Nagravision

Tim Wu, Professor, Columbia Law School

Bob Zitter,Executive Vice President & CTO, HBO

Brane Zivkovic, Founder and CEO, Soundball