MPEGIF Master Class

The New World of Digital Television

Sunday, 19 April, 2009, 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Room A, Las Vegas Convention Center

To register for the Master Class Click Here

In many parts of the world the era of analog television is coming to a close. Over the air analog television ends in the USA this year. Analog cable transmissions are being replaced, slowly but surely, by all-digital transmissions that free up valuable bandwidth for new advanced services. Satellite broadcast has enjoyed digital technology from its early days by embracing MPEG-2 initially and more recently MPEG-4, especially for HD services. Video over DSL, without any analog legacy, has come out of the gate with all digital, all IP addressable services. However, as one era ends and another begins, there are still more questions than answers in many areas especially regarding the business efficacy of the new services that digital technology, and especially IP addressability, enables. How can these new services be implemented without creating an intolerable “cap-ex” burden on operators that can’t be offset by the new ARPU models? How much of the load can be put into the network to reduce subscriber acquisition costs? How will the legal challenges presented by privacy, copyright and fair access issues be resolved? The MPEGIF MasterClass will tackle these issues head-on by bringing prominent contributors from pioneering service operators and content owners around the world to speak at this Master Class. In addition the Open IPTV Forum will provide insights into the way in which standards for end to end IPTV ecosystems can benefit operators and their business models. Throughout the MasterClass executives with a track record of breaking new ground with new advanced service offerings and business models will share their experiences, both good and bad, from these initiatives. This MPEGIF Master Class is the 7th in the series that take place at NAB and IBC each year.

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10:00 – 10:15 a.m. Introduction and Welcome

Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic

10:15 – 10:35 a.m. Keynote 1:

Robert Clasen - Chairman & CEO, Starz, LLC

10:35 – 11:20 a.m. Panel 1: The World in Transition

Sebastian Moeritz - President, MPEGIF/CEO dicas
David Price – Vice Pesident, MPEGIF/Vice President, Harmonic

Robert Clasen - Chairman & CEO, Starz, LLC
William Cooper, Chief Executive, informa
Hanno Basse - Vice President, Broadcast Systems Engineering, DIRECTV Inc.
Bob Wilson - General Manager, Networked Video Solutions Group, Broadband Home Solutions, Mototola Home and Networks Mobility

The transition to digital television is well underway in many countries across the world, and indeed some countries have already finalized this process. Reflecting on experience both from an economic as well as geopolitical point of view, international specialists will focus on how new digital technology can expand to deliver more value and increased revenue and how to plan for a successful transition to digital broadcasting.

11:20 – 11:40 a.m. Keynote 2:

Oleg Kolesnikov - Technical Director, NTV+

11:40 – 12:00 p.m. Keynote 3:

Roderick Snell - Founder & Research Director, Snell & Wilcox

12:00 – 12:45 p.m. Panel 2: New Technologies for New Services

Sebastian Moeritz - President, MPEGIF/CEO dicas
David Price – Vice Pesident, MPEGIF/Vice President, Harmonic

Oleg Kolesnikov - Technical Director, NTV+
Roderick Snell - FOunder and Research Director, Snell & Wilcox
Randy Hank - Video Planning chief of Staff, AT&T;
David Gillies - CEO, Isis Digital
Jim Kutzner - Chief Engineer, Public Broadcasting Service

From mobile video to HD in the living room - the very latest developments in technologies for next generation service provision will be put to the test by industry specialists who will be looking at virtually all aspects of video and television services. This panel will focus on new methods being deployed for content creation, navigation and personalization as part of new programming models leading to a multi-channel/ multi-screen digital society.

12:45 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch

1:30 – 1:40 p.m. Welcome Back: MPEGIF Update and Logo Qualification Program Awards

David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic
Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas

1:40 – 2:00 p.m. Keynote 4:

Bob Luff - EVP & Chief Engineering Officer, Nielsen

2:00 – 2:20 p.m. Keynote 5:

Kay Johansson - CTO MobiTV

2:20 – 2:40 p.m. Keynote 6:

Shelly Palmer - Managing Director, Advanced Media Ventures Group, LLC & Host of MediaBytes

2:40 – 3:25 p.m. Panel 3: Revenue Generation versus Regulation in the New Digital World

Sebastian Moeritz - President MPEGIF/CEO dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic

Bob Luff - EVP & Chief Engineering Officer, Nielsen
Kay Johansson - CTO MobiTV
Shelly Palmer - Managing Director, Advanced Media Ventures Group, LLC & Host of MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer
Allen Harkness - Director Licensing, MPEG LA

Every major disruptive change, such as the current transition to digital video, comes with significant challenges. Although the enabling technology is already in place, and is quickly maturing, the economic and legal aspects remain a very critical part of the overall chain and can and will tend to slow the adoption rate for these new services. In this session the economic and legal issues will be discussed, especially in the light of the current financial and industry climate, and various possible models will be examined.

3:25 – 3:35 p.m. Break

3:35 – 4:10 p.m. Keynote 7:

Yun Chao Hu - Open IPTV Forum Chairman

4:15 – 5:00 p.m. Panel 4: The Standards Based Ecosystems

Monika Gadhammar - Chair, Open IPTV Forum / Marketing Workgroup

Scott Lofgren - Digital Home Group Industry Standards and Initiatives, Intel Corporation
Stephen Christian - VP Marketing, Verimatrix
Yun Chao Hu - Chairman, Open IPTV Forum
Lieven Vermaele - Director, EBU Technical and EBU IT Services
Alvaro Gazzolo - President & CEO IPTV Americas

The use of IP based technology to deliver video has resulted in an explosion in the number of ways that consumers can now receive their video entertainment content. This complexity brings its own set of challenges that is being addressed by the Open IPTV Forum. Created in March 2007 it has now reached over 50 members worldwide. Its aim is to provide an end-to-end IPTV solution enabling a "plug and play" experience for the end-users that is independent from the technology behind it. Even though there are more than 14 million households around the world receiving video using IP delivery there has not, until now, been a universal standard for the entire IPTV ecosystem. The release this year of the first IPTV specification from the Open IPTV Forum now facilitates the widespread adoption of IPTV services. In this panel members and service operators will discuss the merits of an open and end-to-end specification and how it fits their service goals and business models.

5:00 – 5:15 p.m. Summation

Sebastian Moeritz - President, MPEGIF/CEO dicas
David Price - Vice President, MPEGIF/Vice President, Harmonic Inc.
Yun Chao Hu - Chairman, Open IPTV Forum

5:15 p.m. IPod Drawing

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