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MPEGIF Master Class

Advanced Video Services
In Next Generation Video Ecosystems

Sunday April 15, 2024
Las Vegas Convention Center S228

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While Attending the MPEGIF Master Class you will have the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of industry experts representing the most influential players in next generation video entertainment multimedia and standards-based video delivery. The speakers and panelists will exchange views on trends and technologies that are changing the way digital multimedia is created, compressed, delivered and monetized.

The MPEGIF Master Class speakers will pull from thier experiences, elaborate on current plans, and share thier know how in respect to current consumer trends, technology trends, mobile services, and what the future holds for next generation video technology. You will gain insider perspectives on the future of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video technology, the importance of IP distribution, and learn about how next generation content delivery will affect the ubiquity of video entertainment. This session will address potential business models and focus on preferences for viewing, connecting to content; in the home, the office, and on handheld devices.

9:30 a.m.

Networking Breakfast:
Grab a cup of java and join the conversation at the first of several dialogue opportunities during the day.

10:00 a.m.

Sebastian Moeritz - MPEG Industry Forum, President / CEO, dicas digital image coding GmbH

  • Welcome to the MPEGIF Master Class
    David Price - MPEG Industry Forum, Vice President / Vice President, Harmonic Inc.
    Myra Moore - President/Founder, Digital Tech Consulting
  • 10:15 a.m.

    Keynote Speaker: Tim Wu - Professor, Columbia Law School

    With major conventional entertainment ownder such as Viacom in litigation with Google's YouTube and others, there is speculation that the "Walled Gardeners" will meet the "Over The Top" TV inititatives on the steps of the Supreme Courts in both the US and the EU. CableVision recently lost a battle in court for network based PVR capability. Lawyers are getting increasingly involved as TV transforms itself into a highly personalized information technology. Professor Tim Wu is best known for popularizing the concept of network neutrality and is thus at the center of the storm raging in Board Rooms and Court Rooms around the world. Will the voice of the consumers crying out for video freedom be heard abover the interests of the content owners and the service operators or will content owners of all shapes and sizes become directly connected, via dumb pipe, with the consumer.

    10:45 a.m.

    Roundtable/Panel 1:
    Moderator: David Price - Vice President, MPEGIF /Vice President Harmonic Inc.

  • Tim Wu - Professor, Columbia Law School
  • Clyde Smith - Senior VP Broadcast Engineering, Turner Broadcasting Systems Inc.
  • Robert Siedel – VP Engineering and Advanced Technology, CBS CBS View
  • Thierry Fautier - Director Telco Solutions, Harmonic Inc. HD Content

    What Do Consumers Want?
    Anticipating the emergence of HD DVD's and seeing as how Europe is following the trend to have a significat installment base of HD ready displays, this panel will examine the market vectors in play and ask the question; "Are the days of standard definition numbered?" This panel will discuss the transition from SD to HD, and its corresponding jump in bandwidth requirements. Panelists will also discuss how network operators will accomodate these changes.

  • 11:45 a.m.

    Keynote Speaker: Helmut Leopold - Director Platform and Technology Management, Telekom Austria / Chairman of Broadband Services Forum
    Phase 3 of the Broadband Revolution: The IPTV Power-Play

    As next generation broadband technology creates challenges for all areas in the telecommunications industry, all stakeholders need to find new ways to work together to create a satisfactory consumer experiences in the area of broadband services. We are moving towards a completely new market; new business opportunities are opening up not only for network and service operators, content providers are also faced with new technological possibilities, which hold new business potential but at the same time jeopardize traditional business models. End-users are also involved in this process since they are gradually turning from consumers to producers.

    12:15 p.m.

    Roundtable/Panel 2:
    Moderator: Sebastian Moeritz - MPEGIF President / CEO, dicas

  • Helmut Leopold - Director Platform and Technology Management, Telekom Austria / Chairman, Broadband Services Forum
  • Charlie Horrell - CEO, Packetvision
  • Andy Mathieson - Director, Laten

    Revenue Creation & Revenue Protection:
    The transition to an IP delivery network in addtion to the high definition content is going to take a lot of money, the panel will discuss how this transition is going to be funded. They try to answer questions like; Can we expect higher APRU's while key market sectors watch less television than previous generations? How does new technology which allows the subscriber to avoid commercials affect the bottom line? How do operators and rights holders protect revenue as Peer to Peer aplication increase in popularity and movies continue to be downloaded illegally? Lastly they will discuss the issue who pays for all the infrastructural investment for the next generation networks if the current trends continue?
  • 1:15 p.m.

    Networking Lunch:
    Grab a box lunch and take the opportunity to continue the discussions from the morning with fellow attendees and speakers

    2:00 p.m.

    MPEGIF Update: David Price- MPEGIF Vice President, / Vice President, Harmonic Inc.
    Sebastian Moeritz - MPEGIF President / CEO, dicas
    Sean McCarthy - MPEGIF Logo Qualification Chair / Chief Scientist, Modulus Video Logo Program Update

    2:15 p.m.

    Keynote Speaker: Kay Johannson - CTO, MobiTv

    This session will address the complete vision of the future role of mobility in the video ecosystem. The speaker will look at what lessons have been learned to date, and how the personalized (unicast) trends in fixed delivery have changed the balance between DVG-H or Media Flo broadcast solutions and DMB, EVDO, MobiTV, 3GPP unicast services.

    2:45 p.m.

    Roundtable/Panel 3:
    Moderator: Sebastian Moeritz - President MPEGIF / CEO, dicas

  • Kay Johansson - CTO, MobiTv
  • Neil Foster - Head of Technology, Konan Digital Mobile Content on the Move Production Flow
  • Gudjon Mar Gudjonsson - CEO, Industria Content on the Move
  • Kamil Grajski- VP Engineering, Qualcomm / President, FLO Forum FLO Technology and FLO Ecosystem Overview

    Content on the move:
    The best part of two decades ago we started to take our telephone with us turning it into a mobile device. Now we are about to do the same with our TV. The motivation for this comes from consumers who increasingly demand content on any device, at anytime and anywhere they choose to be. It is also driven by the content providers and operators who seek to open up fresh, new revenue sources for their businesses. In this panel session, we will examine, among other topics, the various means and opportunities how content provision can become truly mobile; where and how has it been adopted already; what are the pros and cons of the various technologies now becoming available; how does it interfere with, or replace the existing video services offerings that are already available. The panel will explore the different approaches to content on the move, such as "one-to-many" broadcast Media FLO and DVB-H models and "one-to-one" deliveries unicast models.

  • 3:45 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Tiaan Schutte - VP Content Distribution, Alcatel - Lucent
    Next Generation Service Architectures for IPTV

    There are two factors that contribute to a successful IPTV roll-out: content and the end-user experience. In the realm of content, picture and sound quality play a key role. Recent advances in the DSL network infrastructure make it possible to deliver multiple high-definition (HD) TV streams (to multiple HDTV sets). The end-user experience is also improving with do-it-yourself installation and remote set-top box management becoming possible. Technology is also having a positive effect on the user experience, giving viewers the ability easily search, find and obtain desired content and to consume this content on multiple screens: their TV, mobile or PC.
    4:15 p.m.

    Roundtable/Panel 4:
    Moderator: David Price - MPEGIF, Vice President / Vice President Harmonic Inc.

  • Tiaan Schutte - VP Content Distribution, Alcatel - Lucent
  • Sebastian Kramer - CEO, Quative Quative View
  • David Cole - CEO, IPV IPV View
  • Pierre Costa - Lead Member of Technical Staff / Video Services, AT&T Video/IP Traffic Analysis Perspective
    Technology outlook:
    Technology advances remorselessly making predictions of what is feasible in the future difficult. However, this panel will attempt to extrapolate the current trends in technology to create a vision of how video information will be created, managed and distributed in 5 years time

  • 5:15 p.m. Conclusion and Video iPod Drawing
    Sebastian Moeritz - President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas
    David Price - Vice President, MPEGIF / Vice President, Harmonic Inc.

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