MPEGIF Master Class

TV X.0 - Present and Future

Friday, January 8, 2010, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Room N260, Las Vegas Convention Center

To register for the Master Class Click Here

The MPEGIF Master Classes recognized from NAB and IBC are now at CES 2010. This event features senior executives and experts sharing their wealth of knowledge about digital media and television. Join us as they discuss their experiences in developing, deploying and monetizing new video services. The keynonte speakers and panelists will provide unique insights into progress with the latest technology, new business models and regulatory issues facing next generation digital video entertainment.

Topics Include: • Addressable Advertising: Can we Ever Move Past the CPM model?
• From Mobile to Broadband to HD to 3DTV: What is Driving these New possibilities?
• Broadband Video: Will this reverse the balance of power back to the content owners?
• What's Next and Hot on the Technology Front?: What do Consumers Want?
• The Legal bits: Is Net Neutrality and Privacy Concerns just Small Print or a Looming Problem?
• TV Everywhere: Who is making money and how?

Ask the panelists a question:
To submit a question to the keynote speakers or panelists to be answered during the session please click here. Be sure to note which panel the question is for.


9:00 – 9:10 a.m. Welcome

David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic Inc.
Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas

9:10 – 9:40 a.m. Keynote 1 / Q&A;:

Robert Zitter -- Executive Vice President & CTO, HBO
Broadband Video Service
This keynote will examine how HBO is addressing the possibilities now available for the direct delivery of their subscription content to consumers and what this means for the mechanics of their relationships with multichannel video program distributors (MVDPs)

9:40 – 10:00 a.m. Keynote 2:

Paul Whitehead -- Senior Director AT&T;
AT&T; U-verse TV
U-verse’s IP video service has grown to over 1.8M subscribers and has won the JD Powers video satisfaction award two straight years for the South and West Regions. The service is still evolving to its full potential with multiple new convergence features coming soon.

10:00 – 10:40 p.m. Panel 1: Standards: Guarantor or Successful Serivces

Sebastian Moeritz - President MPEGIF/CEO dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic Inc.

- Paul Whitehead -- Senior Director, AT&T;
- Jim Kutzner -- Chief Engineer, Public Broadcasting Service
Distribution at PBS
- Yuval Fisher -- CTO, RGB Networks
Emerging Standards
- Ajay Luthra -- Sr. Director, Motorola

As technology progresses remorselessly, the adoption of international open standards is extremely important to future successes. This panel will extrapolate current trends in digital video standards, pointing out why standards development and adoption are critical to the seamless delivery of next-generation video services.

10:40 – 10:50 a.m. Break

10:50 – 11:10 p.m. Keynote 3:

Tim Wu -- Professor, Columbia University Law School
When Professor Wu first coined the term “network neutrality” he probably did not imagine that, just a few years later, this would now become a topic that is occupying considerable resources on Capitol Hill. Professor Wu will share his vision of the legal mechanisms through which the US will resolve these issues.

11:10 – 11:30 a.m. Keynote 4:

Christine Heckart - General Manager of Marketing and Business Development, TV, Video & Music Business, Microsoft Corp.
The Future of TV
Many of the successes in IPTV have been attributed to the game changing user experience that Mediaroom brings into the living room. How will this adapt over the next five years as we move more to TV Anywhere with the expected significant impact of Broadband (or Over the Top) TV.

11:30 – 12:10 p.m. Panel 2: Business Models: How to Make Money in this Increasingly Complex Video World

Sebastian Moeritz - President MPEGIF/CEO dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic Inc.


- Christine Heckart - General Manager of Marketing and Business Development, TV, Video & Music Business, Microsoft Corp.
- Thierry Fautier - Sr. Director Convergence Solutions, Harmonic Inc.
- David Strehlow - Huawei

Many of the successes in IPTV have been attributed to the game changing user experience that Mediaroom brings into the living room. How will this adapt over the next five years as we move more to TV Anywhere with the expected significant impact of Broadband (or Over the Top) TV.

12:10 – 12:30 p.m. Summation & iPod Drawing

Sebastian Moeritz - President, MPEGIF/CEO dicas
David Price - Vice President, MPEGIF/Vice President, Harmonic Inc.

MPEGIF Master Class "TV X.0 Present and Future" at CES 2010: MPEGIF Informational Session on Next Generation TV on January 8th 2010

MPEGIF Launches "3D over MPEG" Campaign"

MPEGIF Kicks off 3DTV Working Group at CES 2010

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