MPEGIF Master Class

The Transition to a New Television Experience

Thursday, 11 September, 2008, 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Room A, Amsterdam RAI

To download the PDF version of the agenda Click here

In this Master Class, produced by the MPEG Industry Forum (MPEGIF) in cooperation with the Open IPTV Forum, television service providers, network operators and content owners will exchange their views on the progress and evolution in technologies and business models (including an insight into IP delivered personalized video and the latest trends for targeted, perfect profile advertising) that are fundamentally changing the way digital Television is created, delivered and monetized.

The transition from analogue TV to digital TV is well underway across the world with the power of IP creating the converged information delivery infrastructure. Now this is being combined with the arrival of next generation High Definition (HD) facilitated by the world's most advanced compression technology, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264. Together, IP and HD are bringing compelling personalized viewing experiences to the viewers. There are numerous and fundamental questions surrounding the transition path from the conventional services deployed today and the future in which consumers will enjoy new services based on personalized delivery to many different forms of display. The way in which operators and content owners can get the best return from their investment in this new world will be introduced, discussed and explained by an unrivalled line-up of speakers and panelists.

This Master Class is the latest in a series of events focused on these topics and follows the hugely successful Master Classes staged by MPEGIF at NAB and IBC over the past 5 years.

Ask the panelists a question:
To submit a question to the keynote speakers or panelists to be answered during the session please click here. Be sure to note which panel the question is for.

Master Class Audio Files

To download the audio files from the MPEGIF Master Class click on the session(s)
Roderick Snell Keynote & Panel 1 Discussion
Panel 2 Speakers
Yun Chao Hu Keynote & Panel 3 Discussion
Luca Pesnado Keynote & Panel 4 Discussion

Thank you to our Sponsors


10:00 – 10:10 a.m. Agenda and Welcome

Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic

MPEGIF Master Class Morning Introduction and Agenda

10:10 – 10:30 a.m. Keynote 1:

Roderick Snell - Founder, Snell & Wilcox
10:30 – 11:10 a.m. Panel 1: Show Me the Money

David Price – Vice Pesident, MPEGIF/Vice President, Harmonic
Panel 1 Speaker Introductions

Roderick Snell - Founder, Snell & Wilcox
Nick Hopkins - Virgin Media - Virgin Media, Where Are We Now?
Clyde Smith - Senior VP Global Broadcast Technology & Standards, Turner Broadcasting Systems
Gian Paolo Balboni - Head, Innovation Trends, Telecom Italia - Telecom Italia Intro
Dieter Engel - T-Online - Deutsche Telekom Intro

The capability of latest digital video technology has now surpassed the way in which the business structures can accommodate the new services enabled by these new technologies. Legal issues surround network storage (that is key to anything on demand service) and privacy issues cloud the ability to achieve the type of advertising revenues enjoyed in the internet sector. Mobile video has been shown to reduce churn but is it going to generate real revenues on a standalone basis. Can “Over the Top” compelling content live side by side with the business model of operators owning the last mile delivery network. This panel will examine the achievements and the challenges still facing network operators and content providers as they roll out advanced television services.

11:10 – 11:20 a.m. Guest Speaker

Rich Mavrogeanes – Board Member, MPEGIF/CTO, VBrick - Guest Introduction

Patrick Griffis - Senior Director, Connected Entertainment Interoperability, Microsoft

11:20 – 11:30 p.m. Break

11:30 – 11:35 p.m. MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program Update

Sebastian Moeritz – President, MPEGIF/CEO, dicas
David Price - Vice President, MPEGIF/Vice President, Harmonic Inc

11:35 – 1:00 p.m. Panel 2: Next Generation Television Landscape In the Russian Federation

Sebastian Moeritz – President, MPEGIF/CEO, dics
Panel 2 Speaker Introductions

Mikhail V Seslavinsky – Head, Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media, Russian Federation
Eduard M Sagalaev – President, National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters of Russia
Yury I Pripachkin – President, Russian Association of Cable Television - Cable TV Market in Russia
Gerassim S Gadiyan – President, The Association for High Definition Television and Digital Cinema - From HDTV to HD Union
Oleg A. Urushev – General Director ,Yugra

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Lunch & IPod Drawing

2:00 – 2:10 p.m. Welcome Back

David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic
Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas
Monika Gadhammar -- Vice Chair Open IPTV Forum Marketing Workgroup

2:10 – 2:40 p.m. Keynote 3: How Can The Open IPTV Forum Improve Your Business Via standardization

Yun Chao Hu - Chairman Open IPTV Forum

How Can The Open IPTV Forum Improve Your Business Via standardization
Today the e2e IPTV market is full of hurdles and problems to really make it “plug & play” and “easy to use” experience, both for the vendors in the e2e IPTV value chain as well as the end-user. We will show you how that can be solved in an “easy” way via standardization e2e IPTV solution specification ready to be used for you to succeed in the IPTV business also when moving into the mobile and converged world.

2:40 – 3:30 p.m. Panel 3: IPTV Standardization Issues and Solutions

How do the different parts of the IPTV end to end value chain players see the standardization issues and how we can solve them to ensure IPTV sales? Let us discuss how a few of the Open IPTV Forum members see their benefits of joining the forum and how they will benefit from the jointly developed end IPTV solution specification and how you can do the same.

Monika Gadhammar - Vice Chair Open IPTV Forum Marketing Workgroup
Panel 3 Speaker Introductions

Stephen Christian - VP Marketing, Verimatrix
Luca Pesando - Standard Manager for Fixed Access and Transportation and IPTV, Telecom Italia
Thomas Stockhammer - Senior Research, Digital Fountain
Sven Reuter - LG Electronics

3:30 – 3:40 p.m. Break

3:40 – 4:10 p.m. Keynote 4: Taking a Deeper Look At The End To End IPTV Solution Specification

Luca Pesando - Standard Manager for Fixed Access and Transport and IPTV, Telecom Italia
What will it imply for the different players in the end to end value chain?

4:10 – 4:50 p.m. Panel 4: End to End IPTV Solutions In The value Chain

Which parts of the standardization bodies IPTV standards has been taken into the end to end IPTV solution specification that Open IPTV Forum has created and how has been “merged” into the end to end spedification? What will this imply for the different type of players in the end ot end IPTV value chain?

Monika Gadhammar - Vice Chair Open IPTV Forum Marketing Workgroup
Panel 4 Speaker Introductions

Mats Nilsson - Ericsson
Stephen Christian - VP Marketing, Verimatrix
Thomas Stockhammer - Senior Researcher, Digital Fountain
Luca Pesando - Standard Manager for Fixed Access and Transport and IPTV, Telecom Italia
Huw Price-Stephens - Principal Consultant, Ipsios/Marketing Ambassador/Open IPTV Forum

4:50 – 5:30 p.m. Summation

Gary Schultz - President, MRG Inc.
Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF / Vice President, Harmonic
Yun Chao Hu - Chairman Open IPTV Forum
Stephen Christian - VP Marketing Verimatrix

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