Information on this


MPEGIF has liaisons with:

The Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) - the group that sets MPEG Standards. Obvisouly, MPEGIF is in close contact with MPEG, exchanging information on the development of new MPEG-4 technology and on market needs perceived by MPEGIF.

The Internet Streaming Media Alliance (ISMA) - the group that creates vertical specifications for interoperable Internet streaming, based on the MPEG-4 standard. While MPEGIF addresses MPEG-4 in a horizontal sense (all of MPEG-4's technology and in all applications ) and ISMA is a vertical organization (one single aplication and also addressing non-MPEG-4 things like transport), the two organizations collaborate where we overlap.

The International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC) - is an international community of companies working together to facilitate the availability of real-time, rich-media communications between people in multiple locations around the world. IMTC and MPEGIF engage in joint interop tests and share interests in e.g. the timely availability of resonable licenses for MPEG-4 technology.

Related Organizations are:

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) - The group that develops specifications for a 3rd Generation Mobile System and maintains and further develops Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) Specifications. MPEGIF engages in cross-interop testing with 3GPP.



MPEGIF has partnerships with:

Junction (Junction-Group) - Junction is a company that understands the true value of personal contact. Accordingly, we build our events around creating opportunities for people to engage with one another, in discussion, debate and exploration of the ever evolving digital opportunities.
Junction is the company responsible for creating and managing the IPTV World Series events in the US, Asia, and Europe. They also produce many other events like IPTV World Forum, The Digital Radio Show, and The Connected Home Conference. MPEGIF is proud to have an ongoing partnership with Junction and to be affiliated with thier exceptional shows throughout the year.

iHollywood Forum (iHollywood Forum) - iHollywood Forum, Inc. is the leading producer of roundtable discussions, networking events and business development opportunities for Hollywood executives and entrepreneurs involved in digital entertainment. iHollywood Forum procduces event year round including; IPTV World, MoTV, Digital Media Summit, the Mobile Entertainment Summit, and many more. MPEGIF is proud to have an ongoing partnership with the iHollywood Forum and to be affiliated wiht thier exceptional shows throughout the year.