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MPEGIF Press Releases

MPEGIF at NAB 2005 [18 Apr 05]
MPEGIF in new MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Interoperability Test Round: 30 Companies Focus on Cutting Edge Codec [02 Nov 04]
MPEG Industry Forum And Internet Streaming Media Alliance Organize Joint Super-Session At IBC [25 Aug 04]
MPEG Industry Forum Takes on AVC Interoperability, Announces Logo Programme [15 Sept 03]
MPEG Industry Forum to Promote All Emerging MPEG Standards [07 July 03]
M4IF, ISMA, and IMTC Sponsor Licensing Education and Discussion Forum [17 June 03]
M4IF and Member Companies Demonstrate Commercial MPEG-4 Technology at IBC [13 Sept 02]
ISMA And M4IF Announce Joint Interoperability Testing Program [12 Aug 02]
M4IF welcomes MPEG-4 Visual and Systems licensing [16 July 02]
29 MPEG-4 Vendors Successfully Test Interoperable Products [04 Apr 02]
M4IF Welcomes MPEG-4 AAC Licensing announcement [28 Mar 02]
M4IF Opens Debate on MPEG-4 Licensing [04 Feb 02]
MPEG-4 Industry Forum Enlists 100th Member, Moves Ahead on MPEG-4 Interoperability. [18 Oct 01]
Call for Essential MPEG-4 Audio Patents Released. [03 Mar 01]
47 New members join MPEG-4 Industry Forum [01 Nov 00]

Press Contact
Nicola Wissler
MPEGIF Coordinator
email: [email protected]

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