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Official Joining Procedure

The MPEG Industry Forum supports two membership types as described below.

Principal Member (Full)
This Principal Membership is for most organizations. This type of membership provides access to all activities in the Forum plus voting rights. A Principal member is entitled to one (1) vote at the Annual and General Meetings and any Committee Meeting in which they participate. The annual membership fee is $3,000.00 for the fiscal year July 1st to June 30th. A new member may join MPEGIF throughout the year under pro-rated terms.

The prorated terms are as follows:
October 1st to December 31st: 75% of the annual membership fee
January 1st to March 31st: 50% of the annual membership fee
April 1st to June 30th: new members joining in this quarter can pre-pay membership fees for the following fiscal year (i.e. from the following July 1st to June 30th) but have immediate membership and enjoy full membership privileges.

Associate Member
The Associate Membership is reserved for not-for-profit organizations and institutions. This type of membership carries the same privileges as Full Membership, except that you cannot vote in General Assembly meetings and Committees, and you cannot serve on the Board of Directors. The membership fee for the current fiscal year is US$300. Proof of not-for-profit status is required.

Join as a Full Member
Join as an Associate Member


Please contact the MPEGIF office with any questions regarding membership you may have:

MPEG Industry Forum
Attn. Nicola Wissler, Coordinator
48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117
Fremont, CA 94538

+1 510-492-4028 phone
+1 510-492-4001 fax


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