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Why Join the MPEG Industry Forum?

By joining the MPEG Industry Forum, you show your support for open standards and in particular for MPEG-4, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21. You join a growing, worldwide community of over 30 members who work on MPEGIF's goal: to facilitate and further the widespread adoption and deployment of MPEG and related standards in next generation digital media services. You will have access to MPEGIF's resources and other members. You can join MPEGIF's workgroups that address interoperability, certification, marketing, trade shows, conferences, white papers, licensing, etc.

In particular, you are able to:

  • Members will join a unique and prestigious community, which is directly involved in shaping the digitisation of media services around the world.
  • Members can join the MPEGIF’s Speaker’s Bureau and land high-profile speaking engagements at major trade shows and conferences around the world.
  • Members can benefit from specially negotiated discounts at international trade shows and conferences endorsed and supported by MPEGIF.
  • Members will receive discounts on sponsorship opportunities at trade shows and conferences, which are directly organised or co-organised by MPEGIF
  • Membership publicly demonstrates your company’s support, interest and involvement in the digital media industry
  • Members provide collective input into other industry bodies such as the ITU, SCTE, IEC and EBU and into licensing bodies such as MPEG-LA
  • Members can actively contribute to the transition to digital services around the world through participation in the MPEGIF Working Groups and Committees.
  • Members will have access to exclusive resources, such as Working Group and Committee documents and reports; email discussion lists, analysis etc.
  • Members create visibility for their activities, products, services etc.
  • Membership sends a publicly recognized signal of commitment to digital media standards. Members are recognized as an integral part of the global digital media standard community and as an active market participant.
  • Members can meet potential business partners and suppliers - and gain visibility into the activities of competitors
  • Members can participate in the MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program
  • Members can show the exclusive MPEGIF membership logo on their websites and printed material
  • Members will meet annually for the MPEGIF Annual Meeting
  • Members can publish their company’s profile, products and services in the MPEGIF member business directory (published online)
  • Members can publish their news, press releases, relevant case studies and white papers on the MPEGIF website
  • Members will regularly be represented in the weekly MPEGIF NEWS.
  • Members can advertise on the MPEGIF website and MPEGIF NEWS at very reasonable rates (only members can advertise on our site)
  • Signal to the market your company's commitment to open standards in general, and the MPEG standards in particular

Why Should I Join Another Forum?

Like many other companies and institutions, you may be balancing the considerable benefits of using open, international standards against the risks associated with backing technology which has no single owner and could be many things to many people.

By joining the forum you send a message of confidence to the marketplace, that you (and we) are not alone, that you are adding your support to that of the existing members of MPEGIF who, every day, are doing what they can to build the market.

MPEGIF does all the things that cannot be addressed in a standards group, but are needed to make the new MPEG standards successful. The time is now to invest in our vital work to build a marketplace for your products and services.

How much does it cost?

MPEGIF keeps its fees as low as possible. Currently, the membership fee is US$ 3,000 annually. MPEGIF's fiscal year is from 1 July through 30 June. Companies joining after 1 October pay a pro-rated fee for the remainder of the fiscal year. Associate members (a category open for not-for-profit entities) can join for $300 (there is no pro-rated discount for Associate Membership). If you sign-up now, you can start participating right away.

Join Now!

It is simple to join, just visit: Or contact the MPEGIF office (see below) or one of the Board Members to discuss the details or any further questions you might have.

Nicola Wissler, Coordinator
MPEG Industry Forum

48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 11 7
Fremont, CA 94538

+1 510-492-4028 phone
+1 510-492-4001 fax


Why Join MPEGIF??

MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program

Download the NEW Whitepaper on MPEG-4

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Glossary for Video & Peceptual Quality of Stereoscopic Video

White paper: High Efficiency AAC - World's Best Audio Codec

Intro to MPEG-7

Intro to MPEG-21


What is AVC??

What is AAC?

What is (Advanced) Simple Profile?

On interactivity in MPEG-4

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