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Archive: MPEG-4 in the News 2012

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April 2012
RESEARCH: MPEG-4 drives operator investment [Advanced Television, 30 Apr 12]
MP4 tops list of encoding format used for Web, mobile viewing, says survey [Broadcast Engineering, 25 Apr 12]
Research and Markets: MPEG-4 AVC Products: Worldwide Shipments Forecasts (2010-2016) (4th Edition) [Research and Markets, 20 Apr 12]
H.265 HEVC, The Next Step for MPEG [TV Technology, 16 Apr 12]

March 2012
ITU and ISO/IEC Adopt UCI Forum H.264/MPEG-4 SVC Profile Recommendations [ISO/IEC, 20 Mar 12]

February 2012
MPEG-4 successor, H.265 HEVC, hits new milestone with draft standard [The Verge, 08 Feb 12]

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