Information on this


Sponsorship Opportunities

Create a package and receive a 20% discount
when a single company combines sponsorships
at both the Multimedia World Reception and the Advanced Video Services Forum

Multimedia World Reception

Gold — $3,500

  • Company name and product information projected in a continuous loop during the reception
    • includes one logo slide and two product slides
    • maximum of one photo plus two lines of copy per slide or four lines of copy (no photo per slide)
    • slides must be fomatted in a common template we will provide
  • Company name and logo on MPEGIF and ISMA web sites as supporter of Multimedia World Reception
  • Company name and logo as reception sponsor in two issues of MPEGIF Weekly digest preceding NAB and one Weekly Digest after
  • Company name and logo in the ISMA newletter as reception sponsor
  • Dedicated table to distribute collateral, to set-up computer product slide show or video, or to provide demonstration (includes electrical up to 500 watts but does not include Internet service)
  • Company logo on a sign at dedicated display table identifying the company as a Gold sponsor
  • Logo included as sponsor on promotional material prior to the event
  • 100 drink tickets

Silver — $2,000

  • Company name and product information projected in a continuous loop during the reception
    • includes one logo slide and one product slide
    • maximum of one photo plus two lines of copy per slide or four lines of copy (no photo per slide)
    • slides must be fomatted in a common template we will provide
  • Company name and logo on MPEGIF and ISMA Web sites as supporter of Multimedia World Reception
  • Company name and logo as reception sponsor in two issues of MPEGIF Weekly digest preceding NAB and one Weekly Digest after
  • Company name and logo in the ISMA newsletter as reception sponsor
  • Area at general literature distribution table for two collateral pieces
  • Company logo on a sign at dedicated display table identifying the company as a Silver sponsor
  • Logo included as sponsor on promotional material prior to the event
  • 50 drink tickets

Bronze — $1,000

  • Area at general literature distribution table for two collateral pieces
  • Company logo on a sign at dedicated display table identifying the company as a Silver sponsor
  • Logo included as sponsor on promotional material prior to the event
  • 25 drink tickets

Advanced Video Services Forum Sponsorships

Gold (Lunch) — $5,000

  • Two-minute speech by a company representative at the end of the morning session to announce lunch sponsorship and to introduce demonstrations at dedicated table (see description below)
  • Company logo included on projected event sign onsite during event and at breaks identifying the company as a Gold sponsor
  • Banner ad (premium position) on MPEGIF/ISMA joint forum site
  • Recognized at beginning and end of morning and afternoon sessions
  • Dedicated table to distribute collateral, to set-up computer product slide show or video, or to provide demonstration (includes electrical up to 500 watts but does not include Internet service)
  • Company logo on program
  • Company name on food table tent card identified as a Gold sponsor
  • Logo included as sponsor on promotional material prior to the event

(Breakfast & Afternoon Break) — $2,000

  • Banner ad (secondary position) on the MPEGIF/ISMA forum sites
  • Recognized at beginning and end of morning and afternoon sessions
  • Dedicated table to distribute collateral, to set-up computer product slide show or video, or to provide demonstration (includes electrical up to 500 watts but does not include Internet service)
  • Company logo on program
  • Company name on food table tent card identified as a Silver sponsor
  • Logo included as sponsor on promotional material prior to the event

Bronze — $500

  • Space on literature table to distribute two pieces of collateral
  • Company logo on program
  • Company name on food table tent card identified as a Bronze sponsor
  • Logo included as sponsor on promotional material prior to the event


    To become a Sponsor please contact:

    Nicola Wissler, MPEGIF Coordinator
    Nicola Wissler


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