Information on this

MPEGIF Masterclass Full-Day Conference

The New Television Experience

Date: Sunday, 13 April 2024
Time: 10:00am - 5:30pm
Location: Room S228, Las Vegas Convention Center
Cost: NAB Members before 4/11 = $295.00
Non-NAB Members before 4/11 = $325.00

CLICK HERE to review the Agenda and Speaker Biographies

CLICK HERE To register for the Master Class

MPEGIF Networking Party

Come along to the BIGGEST and BEST Party during NAB 2008
FREE Drinks and lots of Food

Date: Tuesday, 15 April 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Location: Harley Davidson Cafe

CLICK HERE To download and print your invitation

MPEGIF Members at NAB2008

CLICK HERE To browse the list of MPEGIF Members exhibiting at NAB2008

Many thanks to the following MPEGIF Member Sponsors ...

Booth SU99612

Booth #SU14905

Booth #SU5013

Booth #C10921

... And to the MPEGIF Media Partners

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