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To join the The MPEG Indstry Forum as an Associate Member, please follow this procedure:

  • Fill out the electronic Contact Details Sheet. An invoice will be sent to the primary and financial contacts.
  • Sign the Statutes

  • Provide proof of not-for-profit status. Please contact our Executive Director (see below) if you have any question on what to provide.

  • Send the signed statutes and the proof of not-for-profit status to:

    Attn. Nicola Wissler, MPEGIF Coordinator
    48377 Fremont Blvd, Suite 117
    Fremont, CA 94538

    +1 510-492-4028 phone
    +1 510-492-4001 fax


  • Payment Once the invoice is issued you have the option to pay for the fees with a company check, credit card or wire transfer within 45 days.

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