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ISMA Technical Specifications


ISMA Encryption & Authentication Specification 2.0 (ISMA Cryp 2.0) preserves the security and flexibility features of version 1.1, but it is "codec agnostic"; in other words, it is no longer limited to only MPEG-4 codecs and is designed to work with any codec, on any IP network or device.

ISMA Specification 2.0 incorporates advanced codec technology for audio and video applications, Internet protocols for streaming and file formats for storage.

The ISMA Closed Caption specification is the first industry standard to address mandatory requirements in the U.S. for providing captions where audio is essential to understanding video content.

ISMA Encryption & Authentication Specification 1.0 lays down the framework for secure content delivery over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, and prescibes interoperability between encoders, streaming servers, and players that comply with open, standards-based technologies.

ISMA Specification 1.0.1 is an implementation specification designed to accelerate existing IETF and MPEG standards for streaming over the Internet.

Approved Specifications:
All Approved Specs 3.44 MB Zip File
Closed Caption
ISMA 1.0
ISMA 1.0 plus Corrigenda
ISMA 1.0 Corrindada
ISMA 2.0
ISMACryp 1.1
ISMA Cryp 2.0

Provisional Specifications:
Provisional Specs ZIP File
Ultravox 1.0 - Part 1
Ultravox 1.0 - Part 2
Ultravox 1.0 - Part 3
Hyperlinked Video

Working Papers
All Working Papers ZIP File
RTP Tune In
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