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MPEG-4 Industry Forum -- 12th Meeting

Marriott Château Champlain
Montréal, Québec CANADA
June 26-27, 2003

On behalf of MPEG-4 Industry Forum, we are pleased to announce that the 12th MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) Meeting will be held June 26-27, 2003 in Montréal, Québec at the Marriott Château Champlain. Please read below for logistical information.


Marriott Château Champlain
1 Place du Canada
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3B 4C9
Phone: +1-514-878-9000
Fax: +1-514-878-6761


Thursday June 26:

  • Marketing Working Group Meeting; 12:00 - 18:00 (Room: Salon Habitation A)
  • Interoperability Working Group Meeting; 12:00 - 18:00 (Room: Salon Habitation B)

Friday June 27:

  • Member Meeting; 8:00 - 18:00 (Room: Salon Terrasse)

AGENDA (all times are local)

08:00 – Registration

08:30 - Meeting Opening and Roll Call

08:45 – Update from the Board

  1. Administrative Update
    1. Membership update
    2. Audit report 2001-2002
    3. Update on Budget for current Fiscal Year
  2. Actions of 11th meeting
  3. Status of Liaisons

09:20 – Review, discussion & approval of Statute Changes and Guidelines

  1. Statutes
    1. Expansion of M4IF to MPEGIF
    2. Personal Membership
  2. Anti-trust guidelines
  3. Privacy guidelines for information collected on website

09:45 – Election of Board and Committees

  1. Board of Directors
  2. Membership and Nomination Committee
  3. Finance Committee
  4. Certification Committee

10:30 – BREAK

11:00 – Forum Objectives and Operating Budget for 2003-2004

  1. Discussion of Objectives
  2. Approval of Budget

11:45 – MPEG-4 Licensing Update, including AVC

  1. Results from Licensing Information and Discussion Meeting, LA, 9&10 June
  2. Potential next steps

12:30 - LUNCH

13:30 – Marketing WG Results and Future Actions

  1. Results;
  2. Marketing Plan 2003-2004
  3. Future Events (IBC, NAB, Asia)
  4. Workshop and Exhibition on Emerging MPEG Standards, WEMP 2004
  5. Regional Task Forces

14:30 – Interop WG Results and Future Steps

  1. Approval of Interop Certification Logo Program
  2. Review and Discussion of 5th Round of Tests
    1. Joint tests with other Groups

15:30 – BREAK

16:00 – Resolutions, Other Business & Future meetings

18:00 – Meeting Adjourned


As is standard practice with the M4IF, attendees to M4IF meetings will pay a fee to cover the costs of the meeting. The fee for the 12th meeting is US$100.00. This amount must be paid by credit card in US currency in advance of the meeting. A receipt is issued at the end of the registration procedure.


M4IF is looking for volunteers to provide LCD projectors for this meeting. Any member bringing an LCD projector will have their meeting fee waived. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Jennifer Kling ([email protected]). Hurry, there are only 3 spots open!


To confirm meeting attendance, please complete the online registration form. Please complete one registration form for each individual attending from your company by June 24, 2003. In order for us to provide comfortable accommodations for everyone, it is crucial that everyone register in advance.


The hotel guestroom rate is CAD$215 (approximately US$145) single and double occupancy per night plus applicable taxes, currently totaling 14.5%.

Please reserve your rooms at the Marriott Château Champlain. To make hotel reservations, contact the hotel directly by calling toll free in the US or Canada 1-800-200-5909 or +1.514-878-9000 outside the US and Canada. Tell the reservation specialist that you are attending the M4IF Member Meeting. Please note that we have reserved this block of rooms at special group rates, and in order to keep the catering costs and sleeping and meeting room rental rates low, you are strongly discouraged from making accommodations at other area hotels. M4IF may have to pay a substantial penalty if the minimum guarantee is not met. The cutoff date for the room block is Monday, June 2, 2003. The special room rate is not guaranteed after this time. The hotel accepts all major credit cards. Check-in is 4:00 PM, and check-out is 12:00 PM. .


For information about re-claiming taxes paid on travel expenses, visit

To view the average temperature and weather conditions for Montréal in June please visit The Weather Channel or the Canadian version, The Weather Network.

The closest major airport is the Montréal Dorval International Airport (YUL) which is 19 km from the Marriott Château Champlain and a 20-30 minute drive. Directions from YUL Airport:
Take Hwy 20 East, then Ville-Marie Hwy 720 (downtown). Exit at de la Montagne/St. Jacques St.
Follow St-Jacques exit.
Turn left on St. Jacques; turn left on Peel.
The Marriott Château Champlain is two blocks up on right.

For an interactive map of Montréal, visit Map Quest.

A taxi can be hired for CAD$28 from the YUL to the Marriott Château Champlain. Alternatively, a shuttle bus is available through L'Aerobus. The shuttle runs from YUL every half hour and makes four stops (including Marriott Château Champlain). The cost is CAD$11 one-way and CAD$19.75 round trip. For more information, call +1.514.931.9002.


For further information, please contact Jennifer Kling, Events Manager, Global Inventures/MPEG-4 Industry Forum at [email protected] or +1.925.275.6671.

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