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Tuesday, October 22, 2023 7:56 PM PST - Digest Week 43, 2002

M4IF News Readers,

It's been quiet on this list for almost a month, since ISMA And M4IF Announced the Joint Interoperability Testing Program last month at IBC 2002. That work is now well underway with companies connecting clients to servers to test MPEG-4 streaming according to ISMA specs. Meantime, M4IF continues the growing interop work, now in its 4th Round.

Much more has happened in that month, though. Let's sum up some of the news.

Last week's news items about MPEG-4 in the press around the world:
New Coding Enables HDTV Images over ADSL Line [NE Asia, 22 Oct 02]
Matsushita, Microsoft promote new media storage standard [, 18 Oct 02]
Pioneer planning network A server for US market [Computerworld, 17 Oct 02]
Trying To Jump Start The Tech Economy [KXAN-TV 36, 16 Oct 02]
Apple: QuickTime 6 gets quick uptake [InfoWorld, 16 Oct 02]
Tensilica configurable processor gets FPGA boost [Silicon Strategies, 16 Oct 02]
Apple gives MPEG-4 a new shine [, 15 Oct 02]

A week's worth of MPEG-4 Press Releases:
Philips' new media processor family establishes new price and feature set benchmark [Philips, 22 Oct 02]
AMD Announces The New AMD Alchemy™ Solutions Driver Information Reference Design Kit [AMD, 22 Oct 02]
Itochu Techno-Science to Distribute iVAST MPEG-4 Digital Media Solutions Worldwide [iVAST, 22 Oct 02]
Philips launches multimedia software solution for next-generation mobile phones [Philips MP4Net, 17 Oct 02]
Apple’s QuickTime 6 Downloads Top 25 Million [Apple, 15 Oct 02]

Cool New MPEG-4-enabled products released over the last few weeks:
First Siemens 3G Phones Shipping - with MPEG-4 [3G, 22 Oct 02]
[review] Matsushita digital camera courts the stylish [MacCentral, 16 Oct 02]
KiSS Technology To Release First DivX(TM) Compatible DVD Player [DivXNetworks, 22 Oct 02]
[review] tkcVideo [InfoSync, 04 Oct 02]
Clie handheld goes wireless [ZDNet, 02 Oct 02]
[review] Web-Connected Video Camera [PC Magazine, 01 Oct 02]

Upcoming Events:
The MPEG-4 Industry Forum will be present in a number of upcoming events (many of which have discounts for M4IF Members):
12-13 Nov 02 Mobile Imaging & Video, London, UK
03-05 Dec 02
Streaming Media Europe
03-06 Dec 02
BroadbandPlus, Anaheim, US
07-08 Jan 03
Storage Visions, Las Vegas, US

Since MPEG-4 news is picking up strongly, we will start giving regular updates on MPEG-4 news on this list. Of course, the M4IF home page,, is always recent, with daily updates on news, releases and reviews. Of course, you can always register your own releases and news on the website

Best Regards,

Rob Koenen

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