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Tuesday, January 28, 2024 16:47 PST - MPEG-4 News Digest weeks 3 & 4, 2003

Dear MPEG-4 News Readers,

The year 2003 has started with much MPEG-4 news and it keeps coming. We see more and ever-cooler devices, and some evidence of the more advanced MPEG-4 tools finding their way into commercial technology (see the Siemens announcement below). Also we see the Advanced Video Codec (AVC), a.k.a. H..264, gaining support after it was technically frozen in December, and in anticipation of its release coming March. As expected, MPEG LA extended the initial patent submission deadline to shortly after this March release. I hope that the licensing terms will be forthcoming significantly faster than it has take for the terms of MPEG-4 Visual and Systems to be released.

Meantime, we are continuing to improve the website. The menu structure will be overhauled shortly, giving better access to much of the the information. Members Press Releases now stand out among the rest of the releases. A special page with Current Offers for members, just opened but still under development will list all the discounts and special deals for members, including books, conferences and trade shows. After the menu overhaul, we will start upgrading the Products section and make it more dynamic and useful.

Kind Regards,

Rob Koenen

MPEG-4 News
MPEG-4 Press Releases
27-31 Jan 03 MPEG-4 Seminar Series by KNK Seminars

31 Jan 03

AVC (MPEG-4/H.264) strategies by KNK
30 Jan-01 Feb 03 NY Digital Video Show - with MPEG-4 session including showcase. 20% discount for M4IF members.

11-14 Feb 03

Graphite 2003, Melbourne
5-10 Apr 03 NAB 2003, Las Vegas with an M4IF booth and MPEG SuperSession.
7 April, 1 - 5 pm MPEG SuperSession at NAB, organized by SMPTE and M4IF. The SuperSession focuses on MPEG-4, including talks on then newly approved Advanced Video Coding and High Efficiency AAC, and a bit on MPEG-7 and MPEG-21

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