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Thursday, February 06, 2024 23:52 PST - MPEG-4 News Digest week 5, 2003

Dear MPEG-4 News Readers,

It is encouraging to see that the hits on our home page have doubled over the last month compared to the average in 2002. MPEG-4 is definitely gaining more and more attention, with the almost daily releases of new products now.

This week, Pace Soft Silicon was the 36th company to sign up for M4IF's interop tests. These tests are now going into the 5th round. M4IF's resources pages have had a minor overhaul, mostly behind the scenes--they are now fully database-driven and will be more up-to-date going forward. There is now a special page on papers, tutorials, books, publications, webcasts, etc. 

M4IF is gearing up for NAB 2003. Together with SMPTE we are organizing an exciting special session on emerging MPEG technology. Tentative details are here and more will follow soon.

Some of the interesting links for last week go below. I'll give them without too much comment this week, to not delay the digest even further.

Best Regards,

Rob Koenen

MPEG-4 News
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11-14 Feb 03 Graphite 2003, Melbourne
5-10 Apr 03 NAB 2003, Las Vegas with an M4IF booth and MPEG Session.
7 April, 1 - 5 pm MPEG SuperSession at NAB, organized by SMPTE and M4IF. The Session focuses on MPEG-4, including talks on then newly approved Advanced Video Coding and High Efficiency AAC, and a bit on MPEG-7 and MPEG-21

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