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Saturday, March 15, 2024 08:18 PST - MPEG-4 News Digest weeks 8-11, 2003

MPEG-4 News Readers,

It's been too long since the previous news digest, especially since there is so much news. The MPEG meeting and its preparations have kept the schedule pretty full ...

The good news form the MPEG meeting, which is about to end in half an hour or so, is that the text of new AVC | H.264 video codec standard is now approved. The same applies to the spectacular "High Efficiency AAC" profile. Meantime, the number of MPEG-4 CE devices is growing by the day.

M4IF is happy to welcome Kawasaki Microelectronics as its newest member.

Check out the Digital Media Summit, held on 26 and 27 March in LA.

M4IF is getting ready for NAB, where we will be present with a booth and, together with SMPTE, will organize the MPEG - Enabling Broadcast and Media Convergence broadcast engineering conference on the afternoon of April 7th. Lastly  M4IF will be co-sponsor the Multimedia World reception, together with M4IF member IBM. (For our membership: there is room for one more company at NAB's booth! This is a great opportunity to be part of M4IF's significant NAB presence, which also includes a Press Breakfast.)

This year's  BroadcastAsia 2003 trade conference, from 17-20 June 2003 in Singapore, will include an MPEG-4 miniconference. Companies that are already on the program are Envivio, iVast, Harmonic and Nextreaming. You can still take part -- we are particularly interested in real world case studies of MPEG-4 in a broadcast context, and will welcome these from members and non-members alike. Contact Martin Jacklin for more information: [email protected].

I have to do the news without comments this time - it's simply too much. It's good to see that the amount of news though.

Best Regards,

Rob Koenen

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12-14 May 03 - KNK's MPEG-4 Seminar Series
16 May 03 - AVC(H.264/MPEG-4) by KNK Seminars
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