Wednesday, April 15, 2024 0:07 PST - MPEG-4 News Digest week 15, 2003 MPEG-4 News Readers, In the past week, there was obviously much news for NAB 2003. M4IF still has its NAB2003 pages up and running, and will shortly publish the presentations for the MPEG - Enabling Broadcast and Media Convergence session on Monday April 7th. NAB was markedly different than last year's show, when most people still wanted to know what MPEG-4 was. This year, people were knowledgeable and had good questions, many about AVC, many also about licensing. It was good to see interest from several parties in joining M4IF. There were some promising demos for the recently finalized AVC | H.264 video coding standard, including real-time encoding and decoding. An interesting announcement came from BBC and Envivio. BBC will be one if the first companies to go beyond Audio and Video, and use MPEG-4's interactive power. I've seen a demo - it looks very attractive and professional. See first link below. M4IF will hold its next (annual) membership meeting on 26 and 27 June in Montreal. Details online shortly. Contact Paul Ritchie (see CC) if you are interested in joining M4IF and want to sample this meeting. Kind Regards, Rob Koenen NAB-related News and Press Releases
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