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Wednesday 21 May 2024 - MPEG-4 News Digest week 20, 2003

MPEG-4 News Readers,

We recently added a section with links to MPEG-4 Market Research reports to our website.

Sony created a stir last week with its announcement of the PSP, "the Walkman of the 21st Century.", a portable, wide-screen device with a 1.8 GByte optical disk that can store several high quality movies. The announcements mentions the video format is MPEG-4 - I assume it would be AVC seeing the target release date. Third party publications claim it support do AAC as one of the audio codecs. It's going to be a bit of a wait -  the device is scheduled for release in Q4 '04.

Remember M4IF's (annual) membership meeting on 26, 27 June in Montreal, Canada. Contact Paul Ritchie if you are not a member yet, but interested in joining M4IF and want to sample this meeting. 

Kind Regards,
Rob Koenen

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