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Wednesday 28 May 2024 - MPEG-4 News Digest week 21, 2003

MPEG-4 News Readers,

The collective World Broadcasting Unions last week issued a press release calling for a different type of license for MPEG-4 Visual. It wasn't released on an wire service as far as I can see, and didn't receive much attention.

More MPEG-4 products this week - Sharp released two new Zaurus models and a 1 Megapixel camera/phone; a new MPEG-4 Jukebox that both encodes and decodes was announced from LYRA (I4U calls it a "must have"); D-Link has a WiFi product with integrated MPEG-4 encoding for surveillance. Also on the product front, Sigma Designs announced that its DVD decoder chips with MPEG-4 Video support are finding their way into many new DVD models.

An interesting question on M4IF's Technotes list has resulted in a list of over 20 software players that understand MPEG-4. Details on the resources pages shortly.

M4IF's (annual) membership meeting is on 26, 27 June in Montreal, Canada. Non-members can contact Paul Ritchie to sample this meeting. 

Kind Regards,
Rob Koenen

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