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Tuesday 25 May 2024 - MPEG-4 News Digest week 25, 2003

MPEG-4 News Readers,

Two new members signed up for the MPEG Industry Forum recently, Atmel and ContentGuard. With the new Fiscal Year starting on July 1st, now is a great time to sign up for M4IF, to support open standards, to take part in M4IF's work and to take advantage of our member benefits. Find out why you should join.

One of the reasons to join may be to support our continuous efforts as a catalyst in the licensing discussions. Together with ISMA and IMTC, M4IF recently hosted an information and discussion meeting on licensing for the upcoming Advanced Video Coding standard (ITU-T H.264 and MPEG-4 part 10). The open and constructive meeting was attended by representatives from major potential customers of the standard, and by a representation from potential licensors. The press release of the meeting is here, and a (mostly anonymous) chairman summary of what was said is here.

M4IF Members: you can now take advantage of the free banner ad when you pay your membership dues in June or July. Two members already benefit from the offer.

M4IF has added basic but very useful search capabilities to its website. You can now search the entire website or just our list archives.

Kind Regards,

Rob Koenen

For Members (Go To Member Part of Website)

The following documents are mostly related to our upcoming membership meeting. If you cannot make it to the meeting, you can dial in. Contact Paul Ritchie or me by email if you haven't received the dial-in information. Information on the meeting is here.

News from M4IF (Archive of MPEG-4 News)

Recent News on MPEG-4 (Archive of MPEG-4 News)

Recent Member Press Releases (Archive of  MPEG-4 Press Releases)

Other Recent Press Releases (Archive of MPEG-4 Press Releases)

Upcoming events and M4IF conference calls (Full M4IF Event Calendar)

We would like to make the Calendar more global. If you have any MPEG-4 events - wherever they are - please send name, date, place and link to [email protected]

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