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MPEGIF Membership and Interop/Logo Program Continue to Grow

Fremont, California USA - April 15, 2024 -The MPEG Industry Forum (MPEGIF) today announced that several leading companies have joined the organization. In addition, several more member companies have joined the Forum's MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program.

New MPEGIF members include:

Adtec Digital
Advanced Digital Broadcast
Connex Technologies
Euclid Discoveries
Flir Systems
Indigo Vision
Modulus Video
Pace Micro Technology
Portal Player, Inc.
Radyne Comstream
SeaChange International
Setabox Technology
Tut Systems

The MPEGIF interoperability testing program now includes well over 30 member companies. Current testing includes Advanced Video Coding (AVC, also known as MPEG-4 Part 10 and H.264) and MPEG-4 High Efficiency AAC Audio codecs. These formats will be integral to next-generation products including video encoders, set top boxes, Residential gateways, mobile phones and many other consumer electronic products. Participating companies test their codec implementations to ensure that their products will work together, and any interoperability problems are resolved through cooperation and collaboration.

Already there are 8 companies that are in the process of achieving Logo Qualification with 3 companies, Envivio, Fraunhofer, and VSS that have completed all the necessary steps and are now able to display the "MP4" logo on their products and collaterals. The Logo is a sign of quality which indicates that the product has been tested in at least one round of MPEGIF Interoperability testing, and that it has also passed additional test criteria defined under this program. Besides carrying the "MP4" Logo, the products are also listed in a "Qualified Products Directory" on the MPEGIF Logo Qualification web site. For more information on the Logo Program, please visit

"The video ecosystem, especially in respect of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, is evolving by the minute and with the MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program being available, and indeed the first products having received qualification already, the industry is now provided with the means to better differentiate and consider what the market is offering" said Sebastian Moeritz, President of MPEGIF.

"It took many years for interoperability to be the norm as MPEG-2 emerged, the work of the forum in MPEG-4 interoperability is essential to the success of our industry", said David Price, Vice President of MPEGIF. "As a result the "MP4" Logo will become the mark of excellence for next generation video technology.

About the MPEG Industry Forum - MPEGIF represents approximately 100 companies from diverse industries. MPEGIF member companies are evenly distributed across North America, Europe and Asia, addressing MPEG adoption issues that go beyond the charter of ISO/IEC MPEG. Specifically focusing on the widespread adoption of MPEG-4 AVC and AAC, activities include marketing, interoperability and the MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program as well as presence at trade shows and extensive conference participation. For more information visit:, or contact Alison Ward at +1-510-744-4026, or by Email at [email protected].

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