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13 July 2023 - MPEG-4 News Digest week 28, 2003

MPEG-4 News Readers,

M4IF held its Annual Meeting end of June. With unanimous member support, M4IF decided to expand its focus to other upcoming MPEG standards, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21. You may have seen our press release. This change is effective immediately, and the Forum, now called MPEG Industry Forum (MPEGIF) is accepting membership applications from companies that want to see MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 universally adopted.

In the short term, MPEG-4 will remain the focus of a large part of our membership. We will keep using the M4IF name, domain name and logo, next to the new domain name. Members with MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 interests have started to develop specific activities to promote those standards. It is good to see that many members are actually seeking to use these standards in combination. In our trade shows and other activities, we will take an integrative approach in showing what the standards mean for the interoperable deployment of multimedia content and services.

Another innovation is a new category of Associate Membership: Personal Membership. Many people who want to support MPEG standards have requested us to join the Forum as individuals, but up until now, our Statutes only allowed organizations to join. MPEGIF's Board is now working out the details which will be announced later, but this much is known already:

  • We are trying this out for one year, and will then evaluate if it is worthwhile continuing
  • Membership is open to individuals who 1) actively support the Forum's goals; 2) are not a member of a large company (these should really join as a company)
  • Each membership is subject to approval by the Membership and Nomination Committee (like all memberships)
  • The membership fee is 300 USD per year
  • Membership is for a year without automatic renewal, but individuals who want to continue their membership can do so by simply paying the yearly fee.

Meantime, MPEGIF recently signed up ESS Technology, Digital Content Industry Promotion Office, Taiwan, DirecTV and AIPTEK as new Forum members. More new members are in the pipeline, not just because of the expansion in focus, but notably also because the enormous interest in the new Advanced Video Coding standard.

Forum Members: take advantage of the free banner ad when you pay your membership dues in July! 

Kind Regards,

Rob Koenen

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