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Friday 1 August 2023 - MPEG-4 News Digest week 31-36, 2003

MPEGIF News Readers,

The MPEGIF News Digest returns after a couple of weeks of vacation. There is much news!

Most important is the upcoming International Broadcasting Convention, starting later this week. MPEGIF will be present with 8 of its member companies: Ahead Software, Coding Technologies, Dicas, Fraunhofer, Mindego, Sand Video, VidTools and Vsofts. They will show MPEG-4 technology (encoding, decoding, authoring, testing - including the revolutionary AVC codec) and a bit of MPEG-7. See MPEGIF's special IBC Web Pages with a show guide to MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 technology and an overview of relevant Conference papers and sessions.

A new feature on our website lets you hover the mouse over many links to get an excerpt from the article in a 'tool tip'.

New members since our last News Digest are Vqual, MAYAH, Centrality Communications, Sand Video, PELCO, Vsofts, Mindego, and SkyStream. Welcome! MPEGIF is growing at a healthy rate, reflecting the interest in MPEG standards, interoperability, and the Forum's supporting activities.

Hypermedium is organizing the AV Cafe during ITU Telecom 2003 from 12-18 October, with cooperation of MPEGIF and Harmonic. The opportunity to exhibit at Telecom 03 in a great environment at very attractive rates has been extended to the entire MPEGIF community - including subscribers of or News list. See details

The next News Digest will follow a bit later this week, as a special IBC edition.

Best Regards,

Rob Koenen

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