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  Friday, 23 January 2003 - MPEG-4 News Digest week 4, 2004

MPEGIF News Readers,

After a few months of absence, for a variety of reasons, the MPEGIF News Digest returns to your mailbox - which is where it should be. We are picking up where we left off just before IBC in September 2003.

Much has happened since our last Digest. The much anticipated Advanced Video Coding standard (H.264 | MPEG-4 p.10) went through its last official stage in ISO. Licensing terms for AVC were announced by MPEGLA and VIA Licensing and MPEGIF is undertaking a survey among potential users which was thus far advertised in only a fairly small community. Because we have received serious and useful submissions, we are advertising a bit more widely and have extended the deadline until Thursday 29 January. The intention of the survey is mainly to provide licensors with structured market feedback, and your input is welcome.

In other licensing news, there is now a one-stop shop license for High Efficiency AAC - good news for potential users of this break-through audio coding scheme.

The news is mainly from CES, and note the Harmonic announcement, which may signify the first commercial AVC deployment.

MPEGIF is launching its first MPEG-7 list: mp7-tech. Just like mp4-tech, it will be a great resource for engineers and other people trying to understand the MPEG-7 standard. Non-technical discussion on MPEG-7 can take place on our discuss list, and the News list will carry the MPEG-7 news. Please subscribe here to all of these lists, including the very active mp4-tech list.

Kind Regards,

Rob Koenen
(President, MPEGIF)

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