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MPEGIF DIGEST 1 - 7 November 2023

Dear MPEGIF News Readers,

The month of November has started with fantastic news for the whole MPEG-4 industry - “DVB Approves New Guidelines for H.264/AVC Video & High Efficiency AAC Audio Codecs”. From the release: “The new document mandates support of Main Profile for H.264/AVC SDTV receivers, with an option for the use of High Profile. The support of High Profile is mandated for H.264/AVC HDTV receivers.”

This is a clear sign that the adoption of MPEG-4 AVC has jumped all major hurdles and is looking at a nice, clean track to deliver next generation multimedia experience to an ever growing audience.

Following our pioneering role when it comes to MPEG-4 interoperability, MPEGIF has announced the 6th round of interoperability testing. With 30 member companies participating, this round focuses on MPEG-4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding) and AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), to provide most important element of a functioning digital ecosystem - interoperability. Many of the participating member companies are expected to participate in the MPEGIF Logo Qualification Program as well.

Kind regards,

Sebastian Moeritz
President, MPEGIF

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