MPEGIF Masterclass Full-Day Conference

"The Transition to a New Television Experience"

Date: Thursday, 11 September 2023
Time: 10:00am - 5:30pm
Location: Room A, RAI Convention Centre
Cost: Free for IBC Attendees

CLICK HERE to review the Agenda and Speaker Biographies

Master Class Audio Files

To download the audio files from the MPEGIF Master Class click on the session(s)
Roderick Snell Keynote & Panel 1 Discussion
Panel 2 Speakers
Yun Chao Hu Keynote & Panel 3 Discussion
Luca Pesnado Keynote & Panel 4 Discussion

MPEGIF Members at IBC 2008

CLICK HERE To browse the list of MPEGIF Members exhibiting at IBC 2008

Many thanks to the following MPEGIF Member Sponsors ...

Booth #1.D69

Booth #2.C50

... And to the MPEGIF Media Partners

Press Releases

MPEGIF and Open IPTV Forum presenting unique conference session on 11 September 2023
Click Here to download the PDF version of the press release

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