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MPEGIF 3DTV Working Group


Technology and Engineering Committee

The MPEGIF 3DTV Working Group is chaired by Dr. Sean McCarthy, Fellow of the Technical Staff, Motorola / Board Member, MPEGIF.

The MPEGIF 3DTV Working Group is chartered with facilitating and furthering the widespread adoption and deployment of 3DTV based on MPEG and related standards in next generation digital media services. The working group provides a forum for the free exchange of information related to this emerging technology, an industry voice advocating the adoption of standards and for consolidating the overall direction of the 3DTV industry. Its focus and constituency is derived from video service  providers, consumer electronics manufacturers, content owners, equipment manufacturers, system integrators, software providers, as well as industry advocacy groups, industry analysts, financial institutions and academic institutes.

The MPEGIF 3DTV working group will provide a unique voice focused on “3D over MPEG” within the emerging constellation of industry groups and standards bodies. The working group will initially focus on issues related to broadband & broadcast distribution of 3DTV and will work in cooperation with other organizations that are addressing standards for 3D mastering, connectivity in the home (such as HDMI), display standards, gaming, consumer electronics, and the overall 3DTV experience. The working group will work with MPEGIF committees to provide a framework for promoting “3D over MPEG” compliant product and services.

Suggested Scope:
The MPEGIF 3DTV Working Group will...
.. Provide a unique voice focused on "3D over MPEG" within the emerging constellation of industry groups and standards bodies.
.. Initially focus on issues related to 3DTV compression and broadband & broadcast distribution of 3DTV.
.. Work in coopration with other organizations that are addressing standards for 3D masting, connectivity in the home (Such as HDMI), display standards, gaming, consumer electronis and the overall 3DTV experience.
.. work with MPEGIF committees to provide a framework for promoting "3D over MPEG" compliant products and services.

White Papers

Glossary for Video & Perceptual Quality of Stereoscopic Video:
A joint effort of the 3D@Home Consortium and the MPEG Industry Forum 3DTV Working Group
To download the glossary Click Here

Overview of MPEG Standards for 3DTV:
For over a decade, a group of top technologists have been meeting quietly all around the world to launch a series of not-so-quiet revolutions... The next wave of the MPEG digital video Revolution is 3DTV, or more precisely, stereocopic video.
To read the entire white paper: Click Here

Motorola's Guide to 3D TV:
3D TV: What's the big deal? 3D TV is generating an increasing amount of interest in the television industry. Major studios have made public commitments to migrate their animated features to 3D starting in 2010.
To read the entire white paper: Click Here

Press Releases:

MPEGIF Launches "3D over MPEG" Campaign" December 21, 2023
MPEGIF Kicks off 3DTV Working Group at cES 2010 January 5, 2024
3D@Home Consortium and MPEGIF Publish Glossary on 3D Video Quality September 2, 2023

Meeting Minutes:

- April 14, 2024
- May 10, 2024
- June 14, 2023

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