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MPEGIF Key-exchange API Working Group


Technology and Engineering Committee

The MPEGIF Key-exchange API Working Group is chaired by Yuval Fisher, CTO RGB Networks / Board Member, MPEGIF.

Delivery of high-value video content requires encryption. Encryption keys are typically managed by Key-management Servers (KMS) that distribute keys to client devices for the decryption of the content they receive. In many situations, the Scrambler component that encrypts the stream is not part of the KMS and thus requires access to encryption keys. Moreover, Key Management Servers are typically built by DRM vendors while Scramblers are typically built by encoder vendors. Unfortunately, the exchange of keys between the KMS and Scrambler is not standardized and each vendor typically uses proprietary interfaces.

The goal of this MPEG-IF workgroup is to create a best practices document specifying an API for exchanging keys between Key Management Servers and Scrambler components. When completed, this document would be taken to a standards body for standardization. The phases of this work are:

· Requirements – gather requirements that cover the use cases identified by the participating companies
· Solicit proposals – gather proposed APIs
· Consensus and final document


- Key Exchange API Working Group Overview
- Proposed Overview of the MPEGIF Key-exchange API Working Group
- Requirements Document version 6 (pdf)
- Requirements Document version 6 (doc)

Meeting Minutes:

- November 16, 2023
- November 30, 2023
- December 14, 2023
- January 4, 2024
- January 18, 2024

Press Releases:

- MPEGIF Completes First Phase in Standardized Online Key Exchange

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