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Wednesday, 14 May 2024 - MPEG-4 News Digest week 19, 2003

MPEG-4 News Readers,

Last week, IBM released its toolkit for MPEG-4. Check out IBM's new and comprehensive MPEG-4 pages. Here you can find tools, content, links, information and more. There is especially good information on XMT, the eXtensible MPEG-4 Textual format.

Our Resources page now has a new section that lists and links to (currently 10) MPEG-4 Market Research reports.

Hopefully you won't notice, but M4IF's website has had a major upgrade behind the scenes. To the user this means it's more dynamic and up-to-date - check out the new menus.

M4IF holds its next (annual) membership meeting on 26, 27 June in Montreal, Canada. Contact Paul Ritchie if you are a non-member interested in joining M4IF and want to sample this meeting. M4IF's Board emphasizes that no SARS cases have been reported in Montreal and that the city is 600 km. from Toronto. The WHO today announced that SARS is under control in Canada.

Kind Regards,
Rob Koenen

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On interactivity in MPEG-4

Review of M4IF, MPEG-4 @ NAB2003

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