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MPEG Industry Forum and Internet Streaming Media Alliance
The Video Ecosystem
NAB 2005

MPEGIF Introduction and Welcome


Sebastian Moeritz, President, MPEGIF
CEO, dicas


Keynote Address - The New World of IPTV


Andreas Bechtolsheim, Senior Vice President
Sun Microsystems


Session 1: The Video Revolution is Here

David Price, Harmonic, Inc. (Moderator)


The Video Revolution is Convergence
Rich Mavrogeanes, VBrick Systems


Tim Schaaff, Apple Computer


The Audio for Video – does Audio matter?
Stefan Geyersberger, Fraunhofer


Where is Digital Video being used?
Julien Signes, Envivio


Seamless Mobility and the Connected Home
Marty Stein, Motorola


Session 2: Video Services ARPU...the name of the game

Ken Kerschbaumer, Broadcasting & Cable (Moderator)


The Name of the Game?
Bill Miller, ABC


PBS Content Supply Chain Optimization
Andres Mendes, PBS


European Broadcasters Need for Advanced Video Codecs
Simon Gauntlett, BBC R&D


Key ARPU Drivers IPTV
Sebastian Kramer, Alcatel


Tab Butler, SeaChange International


ISMA Introduction and Welcome

Yuval Fisher, Board Member, ISMA
Chief Scientist, Envivio


Keynote Address - New Standards of Excellence in Video

The Open Road Ahead: Establishing an Open Standard Video Ecosystem
James W. Wendorf, Philips


Session 3: Next Generation Video and Audio - Content Creation

John Moulding, Cable & Satellite International


Some Tools for New Age Video
David Price, Harmonic Inc.


Next Generation Encoding...are we ready?
Tim Sheppard, Tandberg Television


Advanced Compression at the Edge
Charles van Dusen, Tut Systems


MPEG4 AVC Foundation for the Future
Bob Wilson, Envivio


Interoperability and Conformance: An overview of ISMA activities
Harald Fuchs, Fraunhofer


Session 4: Next Generation Video and Audio - Content Consumption

Stuart Thomson, Cable & Satellite Europe (Moderator)  

Next Generation Video & Audio - Content Consumption
David Gillies, Pace Microsystems


Pixel-Perfect Video For Networks
John O'Donnell, Equator Technologies


Next generation Video and Audio – Content Consumption
Sebastian Moeritz, dicas


Massively Going Towards MPEG-4 While Addressing Legacy Issues
Laurent Jabiol, Neotion


Video Ecosystem: An ADB Perspective
Bill Luehrs, Advanced Digital Broadcast


Delivering Multi-format Video to Your Digital Networked Home
Eric Dewannain, Texas Instruments


Round Table: The Video Ecosystem

Joanne Tracy, Focal Press (Moderator)  
Myra Moore, Digital Tech Consulting (Moderator)  

Andreas Bechtolsheim, Sun Microsystems


James W. Wendorf, Philips


Sebastian Moeritz, dicas


David Price, Harmonic Inc.


Tim Schaaff, Apple Computer


Andres Mendes, PBC


Sebastian Kramer, Alcatel


Bill Miller, ABC


Bob Wilson, Envivio


Thomas Dove, Vqual


Laurent Jabiol, Neotion


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