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MPEGIF > Interoperability

MPEGIF Interoperability Work Crucial for Market Acceptance of Standard

Interoperability is the key characteristic of standards-based system implementations. This applies to MPEG-4 too. This is why M4IF undertakes extensive interoperability tests of different aspects of MPEG-4. The tests include Systems layer, Video coders, and Audio coders. We do both offline exchange using the MP4 file format and real-time streaming according to the ISMA 1.0 specification. Usage of the ISMA spec shows our commitment to having only one MPEG-4 out there, and not multiple versions defined by different forums.

The goals of the work are as follows:

  • Testing products, debugging them, and correcting interoperability problems. Sometimes this reveals details of the MPEG-4 specification that may be unclear or ambiguous;
  • Showing and proving to potential users of MPEG-4 technology that MPEG-4 products are indeed interoperable;
  • Working towards a self-certification program to certify that tools are MPEG-4 conformant.

Interoperability documents
Plans for 6th round interoperability test

Press releases
MPEGIF in new MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Interoperability Test Round: 30 Companies Focus on Cutting Edge Codec Technology [MPEGIF, 02 Nov 04]

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